Heritage Mini Food Pantries

‘Take what you need; Leave what you can’ is the philosophy of these mini pantries, stocked with food items and supplies to help people with no barriers.

This portion of our Food Security Initiative was founded in direct response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In Spring 2020, we re-purposed three mini libraries in our neighbourhood to be used for food, hygiene items, and other daily necessities. Since then, we have built two more. The three original pantries are located on the lawns and alleys of private residences, the additional two are located in a public park and in our community gardens.

Although the pandemic has receded, it has been very apparent that the need for these pantries has remained. Many individuals in our community remain food insecure as the cost of living rises. We strive to stock the pantries as much as we can, as they empty faster than we can fill them.

If you have extra groceries you can share with your community, or if you are in need, please feel free to use the map below to find the mini pantry closest to you!

(If you would like to arrange delivery of donations for the pantry, please contact us at programs@heritagecommunityassociation.com )

Pantry Addresses

  • 2035 Montreal St.
  • 2300 Halifax St.
  • 1827 Ottawa St. (back alley)
  • Art Park (corner of Halifax St. & 11th Ave.)
  • 1654 11th Ave. (located in the Heritage Community Gardens)


HCA would like to thank the following sponsors for their generous support of this program: